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HFSS: High in Fat, Sugar & Salt

Here are some key elements you need to know regarding HFSS regulation.

What is HFSS?

HFSS is a suite of the proposed legislation which restricts the promotion and advertising of high in fat, sugar and salt (HFSS) food and drinks.

  • Promotions

    Volume-based promotions (multibuys or extra-free) are now banned in England for stores with 50+ employees regardless of the size of their store. The calculation of employee numbers could be impacted by participation in a ‘franchise agreement’ e.g. membership of symbol groups. Plus, free-refills will be banned for HFSS drinks. HFSS products can still be promoted on a single price reduction, and can still be included in meal deals.

  • Display locations

    HFSS products can no longer be positioned in certain locations ‘in-store’, including end-of-aisle (including displays adjacent to end-of-aisle displays), store entrances and checkouts and their online equivalent locations. These restrictions apply in England only, and only for stores with more than 50 employees AND a relevant internal floor area of over 2,000 sq ft.

  • Advertising

    HFSS products cannot be shown on TV between 5.30am and 9pm, with more severe restrictions online. A total ban on advertising of HFSS products online is expected to be enacted in 2025.

How is Britvic taking action?

Britvic has a long history of helping people make healthier choices.

Given the shift to low/no sugar variants, soft drinks is well positioned compared to other impulse categories (e.g. crisps & confectionery) to respond to HFSS and our leading approach to low/no sugar reformulations has enabled us to reduce our average calories per serve to 25 per 250ml since 2021 and remove 20 billion calories from British diets.

90% of our portfolio is already HFSS compliant, and where it isn't, we are reformulating to get below the threshold. We have also reviewed and amended our promotions to align with the new legislation.


Heard about HFSS and don't know where to start? Our dedicated FAQs will tell you all you need to know about the scheme and what it means for your business.

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