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5 ways to drive on-the-go soft drink sales

The surge in on-the-go sales has been no secret since Brits started splitting their time between working from the office and at home back in 2022.

But, out of all channels, did you know these shopper missions saw the greatest increase in c-stores in the following year? What’s more, soft drinks’ share of these occasions featured in 48% of all food-to-go occasions, making them the number one item bought in c-stores too.

So, with 58% of UK workers now favouring hybrid working, this shift presents a significant opportunity for retailers and suppliers to make the most of the category. Let’s dive into our top five tips and advice on how you can cash in and drive your on-the-go soft drink sales…

1. Out of sight, out of mind

A lot of impulse shoppers do not know which brand or drink they will choose when they enter a store, meaning operators should ensure soft drinks have optimal space in chillers or off shelf to encourage impulse sales. 

Combining this with the latest launches or rebrands is sure to catch shopper attention - take Pepsi’s latest rebrand as an example. The 2024 refresh combines new packaging visuals, in-store materials and displays to stand out and maximise visibility, helping to drive retailer’s cola sales.

2. Cross category dream teams

With consumers’ lifestyles changing in this hybrid working era, so are their reasons for picking up soft drinks in c-stores. In fact, soft drink shoppers are twice as likely to also be shopping for food-to-go alongside their drink.

Retailers should consider targeting lunch time shoppers by linking up and merchandising key categories like carbonates and juice drinks with food, to create tempting meal deals with products such as Pepsi MAX®, Tango or Robinsons Ready to Drink.

3. Value for the win

52% of consumers say that tighter budgets are making the convenience channel less attractive, so communicating quality and value is key.

Placing power brands such as Pepsi MAX® front and centre in-store, with round price points and price marked packs, will allow retailers to communicate value. 

4. Health is wealth

Keeping a finger on the pulse of the latest consumer trends will provide a clear picture of what on-the-go shoppers will be on the lookout for. 

For example, healthier options continue to grow in popularity and tend to be picked up on the daytime meal occasion, presenting the perfect opportunity for functional health drinks, such as Purdey’s or Plenish health shots. These should be placed front and centre in your meal deals or on-the-go chillers.

5. Targeting snacky shoppers

Lastly, retailers should ensure they are appealing to shoppers on the lookout for snacks to expand on-the-go sales outside of lunchtime. airing soft drink bottles or cans of Pepsi MAX®, Rockstar Energy®, Tango and Robinsons Ready to Drink with snack deals can be key to maximising the sales opportunity amongst those who are heading in store during different times of the day.

For more guidance on how to maximise your soft drinks sales, read the 2024 Britvic Soft Drinks Review here.


1 - Lumina Intelligence Convenience Tracking Programme, 52WE 09/01/2022 and 52WE 08/01/2023

2 - Lumina Intelligence Convenience Tracking Programme, 52WE 09/01/2022 and 52WE 08/01/2023

3 - ONS, Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (OPN), 23/06/2022 

4 - Lumina Intelligence, July 2022

5 - Lumina Intelligence Convenience Tracking Programme, 52WE 08/01/2023

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